Day 19: The Coming Breakthrough
Father God, we have approached your throne of grace for 19 days now, seeking our intentions, seeking breakthrough, and seeking miraculous interventions. We ask Father that in these last days of the fast and in the days after that you give us hope through confirmation of the work you are accomplishing. If what we have prayed for has not been your will, please show us the better things you have planned. If what we have prayed for has been too small, please show us the greater things you are choosing to do. If what we have prayed for has been your heart, please grant us breakthrough soon so that we can rejoice in your work and continue in your will. Please go up before us Father, breaking through, passing the gate, going out by it, allowing us to see Jesus our King going before us (Micah 2:13).
Jesus our Savior, thank you for constantly working in our lives. Thank you for your living and active Word, that pierces to the division of our souls and spirits, of our joints and marrow, that discerns the thoughts and intentions of our hearts (Hebrews 4:12). Please help us to forget the former things; to not dwell on our past (Isaiah 43:18). Please help us to see the new thing you are doing (v 19). Please help us to see and perceive how it springs up, making a way in the wilderness of our lives, and streams in the wasteland of this fallen world (v 19). Please show us Jesus the strongholds that have been destroyed through the divine power of prayer and fasting that we have wielded these past weeks (2 Corinthians 10:4). As you continue to refine us Jesus, please help us to gain wisdom, and to understand the work you are accomplishing in our lives (Daniel 12:10).
Holy Spirit, as we prepare to complete and leave this time of fasting, please remove the veil from our eyes (2 Corinthians 3;16). Please remove the fleshly goggles that confine us to view only human possibilities, so that we are open to pray for, believe in, and receive the realm of God’s possibilities. Please help us to remain in the Father and in Jesus and in You, hanging securely on the vine in our everyday lives so that we can remain in the Spirit of the Lord where there is freedom (v 17). Please help us Holy Spirit to see and reflect the glory of the Lord (v 18). Please make us more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image (v 18). Please help us Holy Spirit to not settle for anything less, to not limit ourselves to anything less, and to not limit God to anything less. We make all of these requests in the precious name of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. Amen.