
Father, thank You for Your blessings; for choosing us and for bringing us into Your courts. Thank You for filling us with the good things of Your house, of Your Holy temple. (Psalm 65:4) Thank You for making all things possible. (Matthew 19:26) Thank You for leading us through this journey, going before us, walking beside us, and leading us by the hand when we stumble. For You are our Lord, our God who takes us by our right hand and says, “Do not fear; I will help you.” (Isaiah 41:13) Father, like expectant children we look forward to seeing Your kingdom and power manifested on earth.

Father, as the hunger inside of us grows, and as we continue to shed fleshly reliance on earthly things, and strengthen our spiritual reliance on You, please help us to come into agreement with You. Please raise us from our limited perspective, aligning us with Your perfect will for earth, as it already is in heaven. Father, our Creator, please help us to see ourselves not as flawed and broken humans but as Your masterpiece, designed by You, to make a difference in the world. Father, over the coming days please reveal to us Your assignment, the purpose you created us to fulfill. Please help us to tune out the world and tune into Your voice, to hear Your loving instructions and to receive Your power to proceed and succeed in Your calling.

Father, Your Son tells us that He IS the bread of life and that whoever drinks of the water He offers shall never thirst. (John 4:14, 6:35) Please help us to not hunger for earthly bread or water that nourish for a short time, but to hunger for Jesus who will nourish us for eternity. We offer all of the requests in the precious name of Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Amen


Sent Here By God


Cleansing the Temple