Cleansing the Temple
Loving Father, we give thanks to You, we call on You, proclaiming what You have done for us and exalting Your name. We offer up our voices to You for the glorious things You do. (Isaiah 12:4-6) Father we thank You for Your Word that is so full of literal lessons, symbolic and prophetic revelation, soulful and spiritual guidance and a revealed and fulfilled plan of salvation.
Father, as we continue to enter Your presence throughout this prayer journey, please help us to cleanse our temples. When Your Son cleansed the temple in Jerusalem He “drove out”, “poured out” and “overturned” all that defiled Your house. (John 2:13-17, Matthew 21:12-17) Please powerfully reveal to us through supernatural wisdom and knowledge the things in our lives that need to be driven out, poured out, and overturned. Please guide us in the physical steps we need to take to do so. Please grant us great self-control in our souls to commit to those actions in the short and long term. And please refresh our spirits to glorify You with our cleansed temples. (1 Corinthians 6:20)
Father, Your Son said, “destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in 3 days.” (John 2:19) He said it Father, and He did it; conquering the power of death over us and freeing us from the condemnation we deserve. Father please destroy the power of temptations raging against our own temples, and please raise our desire and determination to surrender to You completely, so that we may walk in righteousness. Not by our own power but through Yours. Not My will be done, but Thy will be done. (Luke 22:39-46) Father, please guide us into Your loving arms of protection whenever temptation arises. For Your hand is not so short that it cannot save; Nor Your ear so dull that You cannot hear. (Isaiah 59:1) You, Father are our dwelling place, and underneath are Your everlasting arms. (Deuteronomy 33:27) In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.