Surrender Daily
Jesus our Precious savior, we praise You as the One who is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) From the very beginning of creation when You were Spirit and Word but not yet flesh, all things were made by You, and without You was not any thing that was made. (John 1:1-3) Jesus, the Word that was made flesh to dwell among us, we worship You for You are full of grace and truth, worthy of all glory begotten of the Father. (John 1:14) Jesus our Good Shepherd, who freely lay down Your very life for us, by Your own initiative, with full authority to lay it down and take it up again, we thank You for paying the price we deserved. (John 10:11, 18) Let everything that has breath praise You Lord! Praise the Lord! (Psalm 150:6)
Jesus we come to You today in prayer and complete surrender- offering up the control over our very lives, trusting You as our Shepherd to lead us, protect us, save us, and to eventually guide us home. Please help us to let go of our frantic need to be in control, to release the death grip we have on the reigns of our lives, to trust You to protect, provide and guide in our daily life. We also offer up to You today those who once saw but no longer see. We offer up all of Your children who at one time knew You and loved You, but who have wandered away like a lost sheep. Jesus, we come to You today as the 99, pleading for You to go after these blinded ones until You find them. Please joyfully place them on Your shoulders, and bring them home, so that we and heaven may rejoice. (Luke 15:1-7) Jesus, please shine great light in the dark places of our homes, sweeping them and searching carefully for our family members who have turned from You, the Light. Please guide our blinded loved ones to repentance so that we may experience the joy that is in the presence of God’s angels over every repentant sinner. (Luke 15:8-10) Jesus we especially offer up a loved one who is so very precious to us personally, who once knew You and loved You. We hunger for him/her to be Your beloved child once again.
Jesus, Lamb of God who laid down Your life for us, please help us to meditate today on Paul’s words in Galatians - we have been crucified with You. It is no longer us who live, but You, the Christ who lives in us. Help us to now live by faith in You who loved each one of us personally and powerfully, and gave Yourself up for us. (Galatians 2:20) We offer up all of these prayers in Your name Jesus, the name above all other names. Amen.