Day 8: OPEN UP
Jesus promised us that He would send the Holy Spirit into our lives as our helper, comforter, and guide. After the Holy Spirit fell on the early believers on the Day of Pentecost, they were empowered to preach the gospel, perform miraculous healings, bringing hope and freedom wherever they went. The same Holy Spirit that fell on the early believers is alive and present in us today!
Heavenly Father, we come to you today with prayers of thanks. Thank you for continuing to pour your great love upon us. From creation, to the forming of every individual in the womb, thank you for the help that you continually send from heaven to save us in every way – from angels to Jesus to the Holy Spirit. As our creator Father, you know how fragile and fallible we are. You know Father how easily we fill ourselves with things of this world that are not good for us, like children gorging on sweets. We come to you today asking for your help in emptying ourselves of those things that increase weakness, that tempt us down the wrong path, and that outright harm us. Please help us Father to surrender ourselves completely to you, so that we may be filled with the blessings that you have intended for us; the blessing of the Holy Spirit, the blessing of faith, the blessing of strength, courage, and power in you.
Jesus our Savior, thank you so much for sending your Spirit to be with us always, through the end of time. Thank you for not leaving us on this earth to battle evil forces alone. Thank you for the Perfect Person of the Holy Spirit who gives us wisdom and truth, who convicts us, comforts us, leads, guides, and loves us. We are so thankful that the Holy Spirit not only teaches us how to pray but prays for us when we do not know how to pray ourselves. We thank you Jesus for the great sacrifice you made to come to earth to walk and suffer as a human, to give up your life completely to save ours, and to give up your Spirit to continue to walk with us throughout our lifetimes. Thank you for giving all humans born after your resurrection a way to truly know you and model our lives after you through the influence of the Person of the Holy Spirit.
Great comforter, weaver of faith, our great prayer partner, please fill us to overflowing with yourself, with your guidance, your influence, and your love. Please help us to purge ourselves of all things that would compete for space in our hearts. Please guide us to the well of your goodness every day in surrender so that you can fill us anew, refresh us, and keep us topped off to perform every good work and resist every temptation. We offer up all of these requests in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.